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Category: Wednesday Whimsy

Wednesday Whimsy #29

Wednesday Whimsy #29

Bonjour and Happy Wednesday! I have been busy planning the road trip that we leave for in less than two weeks. We’ll be camping (in a campground, nothing too extreme) eight out of nine nights so my packing list is the longest it has ever been. It’s going on two pages but hopefully that means it will be impossible to forget anything. I’ve also actually been working on photography (also in anticipation of the trip) and reading, reading, reading. BookThis…

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Wednesday Whimsy #28

Wednesday Whimsy #28

Bonjour and happy Wednesday. We’re all doing well on our small plot of PNW land, still bundled up and trying to stay warm while it seems that this week Paris is having an early heat wave. Seattle is notorious for not getting summer weather until after July 4th and it looks like it will be at least that long again this year. We don’t have AC in our house so I don’t mind the delay. I’ve been reading a ton,…

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Wednesday Whimsy # 27

Wednesday Whimsy # 27

BookI recently finished French Twist by Catherine Crawford. I don’t make a habit of reading parenting books but I do make an exception for French ones, naturally. The French seem to know when they’re doing when it comes to kids and this book shed some light on mysteries to me, like how one gets a child to behave. It’s always entertaining to hear how people or families adapt to a French lifestyle and I was glad to hear that these…

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Wednesday Whimsy #26

Wednesday Whimsy #26

BookJuliette Sobanet came out with a new book this week, All the Beautiful Bodies, published under her real name. It was my first time reading an erotic thriller and I really enjoyed it! Read my review here and buy it on Amazon here. LinksThis article on decorating your home like a Parisian apartment links several accounts on Instagram, leading me to find new people to follow and to this blog which has lots of dreamy decorating inspiration. French taboos you…

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Wednesday Whimsy #25

Wednesday Whimsy #25

Well I’m shocked that over two months have gone by since my last WW post. A lot has happened but nothing too exciting besides a trip to Paris. I’m working on sorting and editing photos and I really can’t believe that it has come and gone already. I have lots of posts planned so keep an eye out if you’re interested. Book Juliette Sobanet is re-releasing all of her Paris books- they have new covers that are absolutely GORGEOUS! The…

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Wednesday Whimsy #24

Wednesday Whimsy #24

Bonjour and happy Wednesday, the first one in February. Everyone seems to have not enjoyed January and I regret to say I am included. I seemed to have one minor physical ailment after another that made it seem like I was falling apart before I gained a year at the end of the month. I brightened things up by planning French-themed dinners for the week of my birthday. You can read more about that here. If you’re looking for a…

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Wednesday Whimsy #23

Wednesday Whimsy #23

Bonjour and happy Wednesday. I am writing this with Nora laying on my wrists, which she has never done before and makes things challenging but not impossible. Book Though Bella Figura is a memoir about Italy, I enjoyed reading it just as much as all of those French memoirs on my bookshelf. It was kind of refreshing to get a personal account on another country. Links This to me is the holy grail of all resolutions lists, especially the first…

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Wednesday Whimsy #22

Wednesday Whimsy #22

Happy New Year and happy Wednesday. I hope you enjoyed the holidays and have some good ideas of how you’d like to spend 2019. I spent New Year’s in Whistler, BC with Joe and his parents. It was my first time there and the fact that we don’t take many snowy, wintery trips made this one special. It gave me a good excuse to break out all of my cold-weather gear. On to some links! Book I’ve mentioned Tasting Paris…

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Wednesday Whimsy #21

Wednesday Whimsy #21

Happy Wednesday, the first one of November. I have a massage scheduled for today so it is an especially happy one. I’m looking at my calendar for the month and I notice that I don’t have anything French on the books. I’ll have to find a new themed book release or a Whole 30-friendly French recipe to try to spice things up a little. Oh! Or I can find a new French movie I haven’t seen. Once I finish binging…

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Wednesday Whimsy #20

Wednesday Whimsy #20

Bonjour and happy Wednesday. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I deleted the app from my phone. I’m making a separate post about it, but the jist of the reasoning behind it is I kept getting super specific ads that they only could have picked up on if they listened to all of my verbal conversations despite my not giving them microphone access. Until the next great social media platform comes out, I’ll be using…

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