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Author: Jess

A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney

A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney

I was utterly bewitched by this book! So many things about it stand out to me. There’s a strong sense of place. It feels very “October.” I like that it has a more natural or innate-ability witch aspect than a one that is more focused on spells. I LOVE the chemistry between Kate and Matthew. There’s a lot of mention of recipes, food, and cooking which is right up my alley. We learn about a few different kinds of witches…

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Wednesday Whimsy #40

Wednesday Whimsy #40

Bonjour and happy Wednesday! I leave for France in less than two weeks and I’m here to share a few things I’ve planned for my fifth trip there. This trip will be unique in that I’m going with a friend; no tour group, no husbands, no kids. Aix-en-Provence. We’re taking the train from the CDG airport and will be spending two nights and one-and-a-half days. I’ve never been to Provence and I’m hoping this will kick off planning for a…

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September Book Reviews

September Book Reviews

Dark Tide: Growing up With Ted Bundy by Edna Cowell Martin & Megan Atkinson 5/5 StarsAt first I was unsure about this one. It seemed more a memoir of Edna’s than anything else, and it is, but the farther into the book you get you realize what a gift this is. Edna is a deeply private person and was not known publicly until the release of this book. We get her full background, and with it, Ted’s background from the…

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August Book Reviews

August Book Reviews

Spindle’s End by Robin McKinley 3/5 StarsI love most of the book, especially the first half or three quarters or so. It’s such a cozy medieval read and all of the characters are unique and likable. I love the beast speak aspect. But when there was a fight scene or lots of action or even going into detail about the curse or something else really involved I found I difficult to follow. It really took away from the book as…

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June/July Book Reviews

June/July Book Reviews

The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer 4/5 StarsThis is such a wonderful book. I love everything about it: the characters, the world, the magic, the realness of everything is so well done. I love the real world and the magical world. Just thinking about it makes me want to read it again. The reason I didn’t give it five stars is that due to the m/m love interest I, personally, was not able to get super invested, but I do…

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April/May Book Reviews

April/May Book Reviews

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell 5/5 StarsDue to my being extremely picky with mysteries/thrillers, I don’t read many of them. This one surpassed my expectations; I absolutely loved it. It went in a direction I wasn’t expecting and kept me engrossed the whole read. A lot of ups and downs and corners and curves. Can’t say much more without giving things away. Highly recommended. Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt 5/5 StarsThis book was so great…

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A Northern Light in Provence by Elizabeth Birkelund (Early Review)

A Northern Light in Provence by Elizabeth Birkelund (Early Review)

A Northern Light in Provence was an absolutely delightful surprise. I was lost in and enchanted by the Provence of this book. I found so many aspects of this book interesting: a glimpse into the life of a translator; what it might be like to live in Greenland (definitely not for me); traveling to Provence and falling in love with life; a taste of the Provençal language; the journey of self-discovery; a book about books. Po, the poet whose book…

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February Book Reviews

February Book Reviews

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown 3/5 Stars The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss 5/5 StarsJust as wonderful and easy to get lost in as The Name of the Wind. The second book in the trilogy picks up where the first one leaves off. I thought I’d be sad when Kvothe left the University but his adventure was just as exciting. Readers have been waiting over a decade for the third and final book in the trilogy to…

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The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown (Early Review)

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown (Early Review)

The Book of Doors has several things going for it. It’s a book about books and I love those. There are a lot of characters in the book and they’re all different enough that it’s easy to keep them straight, which is often not the case. The important books give the owner a special power and the thought behind their powers and how they work are really interesting. However, the details of the ability of the actual Book of Doors…

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January Books Read

January Books Read

The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young 5/5 StarsThis was my first read of 2024 and it was an amazing one. I read other reviews to make sure we’re talking about this and it seems like we are: this is an absolutely beautifully written magical realism mystery time-travel-gone-wrong love story. I feel like there’s nothing more I can say that the synopsis doesn’t cover that also wouldn’t have spoilers. I love the story. Moments from it came back to…

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