Wednesday Whimsy # 27

I recently finished French Twist by Catherine Crawford. I don’t make a habit of reading parenting books but I do make an exception for French ones, naturally. The French seem to know when they’re doing when it comes to kids and this book shed some light on mysteries to me, like how one gets a child to behave. It’s always entertaining to hear how people or families adapt to a French lifestyle and I was glad to hear that these French tips worked for the author despite her kids being old enough to be pretty set in their American ways. If you’re into French memoirs this one may be for you. 5/5 Stars
I’ve watched this video several times now and I just enjoy it so much. Parisians trying to pronounce English words.
Have you ever taken the bus in Paris? I haven’t, but maybe I will do it on my next trip.
Podcast recommendations for learning French.
A fresh spin on things: a Parisian falling in love with the U.S.
Five jobs in America that French people don’t understand.
This new restaurant in Paris is one of the most beautiful I’ve seen. I’m also adding this to my Paris to-do list.
I made this crêpe recipe and can confidently say that it actually is fool-proof. A few Friday nights ago a friend and I had a crepe party with these bébés and a ridiculous amount of fillings and toppings.
I recently watched Nothing to Hide on Netflix. It was… interesting. It was entertaining enough and is unlike any American movies I’ve seen but I was left confused at the end. Have you watched any good French tv or movies lately?