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Tag: Georgia

Oakland Cemetery and Atlanta

Oakland Cemetery and Atlanta

Oakland Cemetery is a beautiful deathstination (thank you Caitlin Doughty for that word). Not only are there unique headstones and beautiful landscaping on a lot of ground, but there is a gift shop. Why don’t all cemeteries have gift shops? Do they not know how much money I would spend at each and every one? This time I purchased Ghost Cats of the South (the only thing that would scream “me” more would have to be Cooking with Ghost Parisian Cats…

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Savannah Food

Savannah Food

Food: the most important part of a trip to the South! When I said the only thing I would miss about the South after moving would be the food I had absolutely no idea how true that would be. On the up side, I’ve learned to cook my favorites myself. Waffle House: raisin bread, cheesy scrambled eggs, city ham, hash browns with onions, ham, and gravy, and sweet tea: J. Christophers: shared oreo pancakes, eggs benedict, grits, banana bread pecan…

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Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta

Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta

Oakland Cemetery gets huge points from me for having a visitors center and gift shop. A GIFT SHOP. In a cemetery. This should be mandatory and I will work all of them. A few issues here. !!! Natural vignetting SNOW. It was freezing, raining, and snowing by the time we got here. We saw much of the cemetery by car except for a quick little run-around when I got out to visit the gift shop. I really hope I get…

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Fort Pulaski + Tybee Island

Fort Pulaski + Tybee Island

Fort Pulaski (located on Cockspur Island) and Tybee Island were both a dream. It was the first super sunny day and definitely the first warm day of the trip (at 60 degrees, such a shame). JESS DREAM HOUSE Look at that tiny observation platform >.< Dream table I like lighthouses so much I got married at one 🙂 Beach swings. They belong everywhere.

Bonaventure Cemetery

Bonaventure Cemetery

Bonaventure Cemetery is the most beautiful place I have ever been to and definitely the most beautiful cemetery. It is nestled just outside of Savannah in thousands of huge trees covered in Spanish moss. It’s a place to go to let your heart exhale. A poet from Savannah who watched his parents die in a murder-suicide. Interesting how neither of them have died yet. Also the first I have seen where the man is listed as the husband of someone…

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Colonial Park Cemetery

Colonial Park Cemetery

Colonial Park Cemetery is a happy little surprise in the historic district of Savannah. I found one of the most delightful things there; a playground overlooking the cemetery.

Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA

In this post I’m going to include our itinerary and general photos of Savannah. I will also have separate posts for photos of Bonaventure Cemetery, Colonial Park Cemetery, Oakland Cemetery, and Tybee Island coming soon. Friday, February 5th 2016We flew from Seattle to Atlanta then drove 3.5 hours to Savannah. We stopped at Waffle House for dinner. Even though the drive was all in the dark, it was a good one. The trees and the road were familiar and the…

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