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Category: French

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Marie-Laure lives in Paris with her father and is blind from age 6. She has memorized the model of their Paris neighborhood that her father made her from wood and loves to read Jules Verne. Werner is a German boy who lives in a group home with his sister. He teaches himself how to fix a radio they found and they listen in secret while the other children are sleeping. We get to see Marie-Laure and Werner grow up into…

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5 of My Favorite French Books (Wednesday Whimsy #11)

5 of My Favorite French Books (Wednesday Whimsy #11)

Bonjour and happy Wednesday! I am currently in the air and on my way to Atlanta for a road trip to New Orleans for Nola StoryCon. I get to spend a week in the south eating the best food and enjoying one last chance at summer weather (Seattle has been very disappointing, but then again no one has AC so that’s probably a good thing). I am very excited to be meeting Charlaine Harris and Delilah S. Dawson for the…

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Why LA? Pourquoi Paris? by Diane Ratican (Early Review)

Why LA? Pourquoi Paris? by Diane Ratican (Early Review)

Diane Ratican, a native Californian, gives us this whimsical book comparing two of her favorite cities in Why LA? Pourquoi Paris? Between charming illustrations of Paris by Eric Giriat and LA by Nick Lu, Ratican narrates the main points that make these two cities alike and different. I’ve seen a lot of compare/contrasts between New York City and Los Angeles, or Paris and NYC, but never LA and Paris and I like that that sets this book apart from the rest. I have…

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Wednesday Whimsy #10

Wednesday Whimsy #10

Bonjour! Happy Wednesday and Happy September. I’ve spent the past month obsessively reading so I could complete all the squares for the Seattle Public Library’s Summer Book Bingo. It felt pretty good to set a goal for myself and complete it, even if it is something I was going to do anyway. Read with a purpose, I say. Now I’m on to catch up on ARCs on NetGalley. Book One of the final books I read for Summer Book Bingo…

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Wednesday Whimsy #9

Wednesday Whimsy #9

Bonjour friends and happy Wednesday. I feel like I started my week off on the right foot because of a post by Georgianna Lane on Instagram. She’s hosting a giveaway and the question she asks to be answered to win is, “leave a quick comment about something that inspires you this week.” I had two answers: my writing group (where I currently am writing from. I worked on book stuff too though) and looking forward to my Atlanta/New Orleans trip next month….

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Wednesday Whimsy #8

Wednesday Whimsy #8

Bonjour mes amis! Happy mercredi and welcome back to another installment of Wednesday Whimsy. Book Today I found out about a new Paris-themed book on Anne’s Instagram called Don’t be a Tourist in Paris. It sounds DELIGHTFUL: “…find the most eccentric architecture, get cozy in hidden cafes, party in the catacombs, tour the city with a broken heart, and wander like a true bohemian. A lively, eccentric and esoteric guide to the hidden Paris of your dreams, from an outsider…

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Will You Ever Change? by Aurélie Valognes

Will You Ever Change? by Aurélie Valognes

The latest book by Aurélie Valognes, Will You Ever Change, is a look inside the Le Guennec family: Martine, Jacques, and their three sons and respective significant others. The girls aren’t completely innocent, but Jacques does nothing to help the strained relationship between the girls and their in-laws. He doesn’t make things easy with his wife, either. They have a very old fashioned relationship where he worked to bring money home and Martine did absolutely everything else. Martine is tired…

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What We Did in Paris

What We Did in Paris

Despite it being horrifically cold, we really did get to see and do some very awesome things. We took a bike tour where we got to see ancient Roman ruins and explore a new-to-us neighborhood, St-Germain. We did a walking food tour of Montmartre with Clotilde Dusoulier (my main bday present aside from actually going to Paris). We got to see and touch the most beautiful Iron Lady. We went to Musee d’Orsay and see beautiful paintings. I got to see…

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The Portrait by Antoine Laurain

The Portrait by Antoine Laurain

The Portrait is another amazing book by Antoine Laurain. This makes three out of four of his books that I absolutely love. Pierre-François Chaumont is a lawyer and antiques enthusiast who comes across an 18th Century portrait of someone who looks just like him. His wife and their friends insist it looks nothing like him, which only causes him to obsess over it more until he finally identifies the man in the picture and makes the three-hour trip to his…

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Wednesday Whimsy #7

Wednesday Whimsy #7

Bonjour Mercredi! I have been extra obsessed with French things lately so I have a full post of things to share. Book The new book by Antoine Laurain, The Portrait, came out last Tuesday. It’s the most recent published in English but was actually his first book in France. It is a very short book at 128 pages but I feel like it is just the right length for the story. I’m publishing the review tomorrow so check back if…

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