A Few of My Favorite French-Themed Books

A Few of My Favorite French-Themed Books

Ever since reading Amy Thomas’s Paris, My Sweet, I have been obsessed with French memoirs. Before that book I had no idea I would be so interested in part of the non-fiction genre. Not all of these are non-fiction, but I wanted to share a few of the Frenchy books that I have enjoyed reading the most. For a more comprehensive list, I have a Goodreads shelf of all the “French” books I’ve read.

1. Seven Letters from Paris. This memoir made my heart so happy. Samantha goes from a divorce to completely turning her life around and into something she loves. I can’t wait for the follow-up to come out!

2. How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are. When I first read this book, I hated it. It came off as slutty and a bit trashy. I originally listened to it on audiobook, and I don’t know what made me listed to it a second time but I was able to look past the parts I didn’t like (or get a different interpretation of them) and find the good bits. Since the second listen, I have listened to it a third time, borrowed it from the library to read in book-form (beautiful photos and layout!), and purchased a physical copy for my bookshelf bedside table.

3. The Red Notebook. This is Amelie in book form. If you loved the movie I can’t imagine not loving this book. It is whimsical, romantic, and Parisian. Read it.

4. Bright Lights Paris. I borrowed this book from the library when it first came out and liked it so much that I asked for it (and received) for Christmas last year. It is going to be a book I lean on heavily when planning my Paris trip for January 2017. It breaks down several different neighborhoods of Paris and talks about style in that area, along with stores and food.

5. French Women Don’t Sleep Alone. This is one of the most mis-titled books I have ever read. This book is so much more than for single (or married…?) women looking for love. It has tips for both single and attached ladies, and many of the pieces of advice for meeting men can be used to meet friends in general. This book teaches you that you should always look and feel your best, buy three (matching) paris of underwear for each bra, to spend more time bathing and less time on your hair, and many more great lifestyle suggestions. This is another one that I have listened to 2-3 times on audiobook and just purchased a physical copy to make notes in.

6. Paris Letters. This is another great Parisian love story. Read my short review here.

7. To Capture What We Cannot Keep. I have a review coming out closer to the release date, but I’ll just say I love it and I strongly encourage you to keep an eye out for it at the end of November.