September Book Reviews

September Book Reviews

Dark Tide: Growing up With Ted Bundy by Edna Cowell Martin & Megan Atkinson 5/5 Stars
At first I was unsure about this one. It seemed more a memoir of Edna’s than anything else, and it is, but the farther into the book you get you realize what a gift this is. Edna is a deeply private person and was not known publicly until the release of this book. We get her full background, and with it, Ted’s background from the time he spent with Edna’s family. The path from when Edna was a student at the University of Washington during the time of the attacks to when she discovered Ted was arrested yet couldn’t believe he was capable of committing the crimes to the moment she knew he was guilty is such a rollercoaster. It felt like a friend telling me her life story and the vivid descriptions of Seattle really made the story come to life. Highly recommended!
I was given a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Mademoiselle Eiffel by Aimie K. Runyan 3/5 Stars
Overall I was happy to read this book. It was interesting getting to know more about Gustav Eiffel’s family and the end of his career through the eyes of his daughter, Claire. The personal view of Claire is fiction so this is very much a fictionalized story that has been outlined with facts about her father’s career, most of which I knew nothing about. I enjoyed the last release by this author, The Memory of Lavender and Sage, more than this one, probably because it was all fiction and not as… sad, as Claire gives up what she wants out of life to take care of her father’s household.
I was given a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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