Paris Day 2: Lille and Relaxing

Since Joe and I have revisited Paris so many times, when we go we like to spend a day exploring a part of France we haven’t been before. I was considering a few options and eventually decided on a trip to Lille after reading a post about a day trip on Pardon Your French. Overall we were a bit disappointed and I really believe this was due to us being exhausted/sore and the weather being cold and dreary.
I booked train tickets in advance both ways before we left for Europe. Knowing what I do now, going forward I will only buy tickets in advance going OR make sure that they are changeable because we left a lot earlier than I had expected to. Also, despite taking two different train rides now, I still have no idea how to find the correct car. I guess we should have gotten there a bit earlier to look around but on the way back we were rushing to make the train so we wouldn’t have to wait another hour. Only one of the people scanning our tickets said something about us not being in the right seat but it didn’t seem to be a big deal since it wasn’t full.
We grabbed quiche and Orangina from Paul at Gare du Nord and ate on the train. After about an hour we arrived in Lille and headed to the Palais Beaux-Arts, Lille’s art museum, and spent time wandering the whole museum. It has so many beautiful pieces and we really enjoyed it. I was so delighted to find the Chagall and Pieter Bruegel the Younger paintings.

Then we walked through town, stopping by the Vieille Bourse book stalls, Notre-Dame de la Treille, Place aux Oignons, Longchamp, and Meert.

We took the 1:13pm train back to Paris where we had lunch at a SUPER touristy place on the Seine by Notre Dame, Cafe Le Petit Pont, where I had a crepe. After lunch I wandered Shakespeare and Company, acquiring The Monarch of the Glen, Perfume, and the Shakespeare and Company book. Then it was back to the hotel to rest until we met our friends for dinner that night at Le Roussillon on Rue Cler.

Read about Day 1.