Return to the Little French Guesthouse by Helen Pollard
First came The Little French Guesthouse, then came Return to the Little French Guesthouse! It begins a few days after Emmy’s return to La Coeur des Roses, the villa she had accepted the role of manager for. She has quite a learning curve since the person doing much of her job before her left abruptly and she has never worked in the hospitality industry before.
Despite the dialogue that left much to be desired, I couldn’t stop reading once I started. It wasn’t an entirely joyful read, as most of it is a comedy of errors of sorts surrounding La Coeur des Roses. It is a quick, fairly light, and entertaining read that will make you really want to book a trip to the south of France. There is also a wide array of supporting characters that you can’t help but love: Rupert, Alain, Sophie, Elle, and Jonathan. They almost need their own spin-off!
4/5 Stars