The French Don’t Diet Plan by Dr. Will Clower

The French Don’t Diet Plan by Dr. Will Clower

Overall, I am very impressed with this book. I originally borrowed it from the library but when I was only 1/2 way through I bought a used copy on Amazon (for $5.50!).

The French Don’t Diet Plan takes the principles  of French Women Don’t Get Fat (FWDGF) and presents them with a little more structure that Americans (or at least me) need. Dr. Clower breaks down the importance of eating real food (less sugar and additives), significantly reducing portions, and enjoying life. he says you don’t have to exercise, but you do have to be active; milkshakes are good for you (when made with real food and in a 6oz size); and lying down after eating actually helps digestion so eating later is totally fine. All the opposite of what we have always heard, right? But he makes it all make sense. He also says that the French aren’t slim due to genetics but their habits.

More than anything else, this book is about enjoying and LIVING life, not just going through the motions. I think it should be a must-read for everyone. A new graduation requirement, perhaps?
I took one star off the rating for two reasons. He spends much of the book trying to convince the reader about this way of living and I am already convinced, I just wanted more information. Secondly, I feel the recipes in the back (a wonderful start for this way of eating! For more, check out I Know How to Cook, a classic french cookbook that was recently translated into English) could use a little more information, such as more precise cooking times and how long the dish will last once made.

4/5 Stars