ECCC 2016
After something as exciting as a three-day comic convention it takes a little while to digest everything. I was properly tired Friday night and went to bed at a decent hour, but Saturday night I was so happy and excited from the day that I stayed up until past 11pm and my brain woke me up at 5:30 wanting to think about all of the fun things that had already occurred.
Friday was mostly panels for me. I went to the Aliens and Airships and Authors, Oh My!, Orbit Books, and Rat Queens panels. Before, between, and after panels I visited the booths of Benjamin Dewey, Kate Leth, Laura Graves, Leila del Duca and Kit Seaton, went to the Aliens and Airships and Authors… signing, generally walking around looking at fun stuff.
Saturday we ran around to knock out getting as many things signed as possible. We made it though the WicDiv line (it was so short!), spoke with several amazing creators at length, and ran around all over the place. That evening I went to an event for Gail Carrier at the Seattle Mystery Bookshop and enjoyed myself SO much listening to her speak, answer questions, and getting her to sign a few more books for me. I am pumped for the two novellas she has in the pipeline.
On Sunday Joe came with me and we ended up being there for only about an hour and a half. We lucked out in getting in line for Fiona Staples. SHE IS SO NICE. I got to tell her that Saga is my favorite comic and ground zero for me getting into comics, and she thanked me for telling her. I picked up a Bumbersnoot necklace that Gail told us about at the event the night before and the big fancy “complete saga” book of Glory after reading the first trade the night before and being completely blown away by it.
And there were so many things I didn’t get to do! I could have done most if I had planned my time better, or if I had the ability to plan my time better… the ECCC website/app was missing a loooot of information that would have been great to know before I got there. But I still had a great time.
I can’t even begin to think of how many ways the world of comics has changed my life.
Some of my recommendations that I encountered this weekend:
Glory (Deluxe edition and volume 1)
The Black Bull of Norroway
Space Magic
Wild Beasts and Witches Get Stitches
Jenny Parks Illustration