January Book Reviews
We Shall Be Monsters by Alyssa Wees 4/5 Stars
A dark magical realism fairy tale, We Shall Be Monsters made me feel that if only I had a forest at the edge of my yard, these creatures would be waiting for me. I liked this story, this world, and I liked that there was adventure as well as deep dark soul searching. I would have liked to see a little more character development and a little more of the protagonists proving themselves and the antagonists more flawed. I came away with almost a reason to like everyone (okay except for the Slit Witch) except for Silvanus, and he ended up being disappointing. I wanted a reason to hate him or at least really really really dislike him.
I also felt ripped out of one world when the POVs would switch. I’m generally not a fan of dual timelines and alternating points-of-view and these changes felt extremely abrupt. However, I did really enjoy this book and look forward to reading other books by this author.
I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.