Accidents Happen by Sharon Karaa
Accidents Happen is a thought-provoking, lighthearted, and quick read because, if you’re like me, you will not be able to put it down. It reads like a chick-lit rom-com, and it is in many ways, but it has much more substance and plot than a typical book in these genres.
Eight days before her wedding, Tabitha finds herself taking the place of a soul collector (think grim reaper) while he makes himself comfortable in her body. While she waits for the big guys to have a meeting to discuss her fate, Cooper (who is as gorgeous as he is annoying) is assigned to babysit her to make sure she doesn’t cause too much trouble. While she tries to keep up with her life on Earth she is also navigating the afterlife and the relationships she has found there. My main complaint is that I found Tabitha to be whiny and spoiled at times, which doesn’t seem to fit with the rough time she had growing up.
I laughed-out-loud at several points in this book and reading it had a snowball effect on me: the further I got the faster I read because I just had to find out what happened. I ended up reading it in less than 24 hours and largely in one sitting. The plot is uniquely refreshing and unlike anything I have read before. Twists that I didn’t see coming came together perfectly at the end. I look forward to reading more from this author.
5/5 Stars
I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.