Wednesday Whimsy #9
Bonjour friends and happy Wednesday. I feel like I started my week off on the right foot because of a post by Georgianna Lane on Instagram. She’s hosting a giveaway and the question she asks to be answered to win is, “leave a quick comment about something that inspires you this week.” I had two answers: my writing group (where I currently am writing from. I worked on book stuff too though) and looking forward to my Atlanta/New Orleans trip next month. Thinking about what I was excited about for the week on Sunday gave me something to do besides dread the work week.
I watched Suite Française on Netflix a few weeks ago. It had been on my watchlist for way too long and I decided to try to knock it out. I LOVED the movie. It was romantic and tragic and the lead eye candy didn’t hurt it much either. I went out soon after to pick up a copy of the book (and was also able to apply it to my summer reading bingo at the library) and was disappointed. It took me well over a week to read and I did not find myself looking forward to finding time to read it. There were some really great parts in it, including the POV of a cat with great writing, but overall I can’t say I recommend the book. It’s pretty slow. I find it fascinating though that it was written in secret while the author was experiencing Germany take over France as a Jew.
The beauty routine of Jeanne Damas on Atelier Doré.
Five Parisian tricks that will improve your kitchen.
Seven lifestyle rules French women swear by.
Decoding the secrets of Paris fashion. One of the best “French lifestyle” articles I have ever read!
A fun video: Jeanne Damas’ guide to French pharmacies and beauty products.
I have been pretty into Jeanne Damas this week. I love her clothing line, Rouje (can it be Christmas now so I can have these beautiful dresses purchases for me?), her French-girl perfect Instagram, and the short videos I’ve found of her on youtube. My first embedded video(!):
I can has this apartment please?