Wednesday Whimsy #2

Wednesday Whimsy #2

Bonjour mes amis and bonjour Wednesday! I will be on my way tonight via red eye to NC for a week of visiting with friends and family. The purpose of the trip is to celebrate a 100th birthday party and if that’s not a good reason to fly across the country then I don’t know what is.


For an update on the last WW post, so far I have made the quiche lorraine from How to Make a French Family and the “non recipe” of leeks (on page 13 I believe…) from Dinner Chez Moi. Both were delightful and I can’t wait to make them again. I also tried to make galettes using a recipe from a different source and they were TRES MAL. I’ll keep trying until I find a good recipe (or maybe it’s my technique?) for them.

I purchased The French Beauty Solution when it was on a sale last week. I borrowed it from the library last year and have been lurking for it to come down in price ever since. I also ended up getting  a serum from Caudalie. Is it possible for your face to feel softer after one application? Because I feel like mine does. I also love using their micellar water, foaming face wash, and tiny trials I’ve accumulated from various sample collections of theirs.


I’ll take one of everything from this How to Decorate Your House Like a Parisian post, merci.

As I’m getting used to wearing Spring and Summer clothes, here’s 10 tips I’ll keep in mind to continue on my quest to become French.

Here’s a fun read on things we get wrong about the French.


This time I’m sharing the blog Chocolate and Zucchini. C&Z is one of the first blogs I ever started reading, and while I have gone through on and off phases of reading blogs thought the years, this is one I always come back to. A few of my favorite recipes of hers are gratin dauphinois, this cake with orange zest, and spiced carrot and ground beef stir fry. Clotilde also does tours in Paris and when we were there in January, Joe and I were lucky enough to be able to do her food tour of Montmartre. It was really really awesome to walk around Montmartre with a Parisian for a few hours and get to know the neighborhood better than we ever could have on our own. If you’re looking for a guided tour in Paris, we can highly recommend Clotilde!

While in Charlotte this coming week, I plan to eat at Amélie’s every chance I get. After trying Laduree and having all other macarons ruined for me I probably won’t get those but I will be getting spinach asparagus leek soup, a turkey and fruit compote sandwich, and a salted caramel brownie (at the very least). This is the highlight of every Charlotte visit for me!