Some Wednesday in May |
Yes, yes, I skipped a week. Whoopsie! I seem to have been reading things that I didn’t want to/feel like review(ing) here and have been slacking on completing posts. Either I have written the review or taken the pictures but not both. As their summer intern, I have been working on the Urban Craft Uprising blog publishing vendor interviews and organizing giveaways. While I usually only touch those posts once a week, that’s about how often I usually sit down to get things typed up here so I need to find a new balance until my internship is over.
Cartel, please come back. |
I’ve also been busy getting ready for a trip back to North Carolina next week for my sister-in-law’s wedding (that I am also photographing. My first wedding. Yikes), missing three days of work with a nasty cold, and organizing Seattle’s first monthly ladies comic book club! I am very, very, very excited about this last thing. I’ve been working for about a month finding people who are interested, working out a schedule, and finding a meeting space. It turns out I will be working with Phoenix Comics & Games (on Capitol Hill here in Seattle) to get this off the ground, and they seem just as excited as I am! They have a lot of game nights going on but no regular events for comics yet. We will be meeting on the third Thursday of the month at 7pm. I’m hoping to start next month and we’re planning to discuss Rat Queens Volume 1 as the first book.
My nurses |
So, why start a comic club? First, I wanted some lady friends to talk about comics with. I’ve tried to get several of my current friends to read some but it’s been a hard sell (what?! I know). Second, and probably mostly, Emerald City Comic Con was so great and had such an impact on me. I met so many awesome people, learned so much about comics and the industry, and spend so much money. It was the happiest money I have ever spent. It was three days of a wild comic ride that I have yet to get off of. Maybe one day I can find a way to make some money through it, but for now I’m really enjoying being able to put energy into comic-related (and book related!) things. Three cheers for drive and motivation!
Deception Pass on Whidbey Island |