2014 Books Read – Round 4

2014 Books Read – Round 4

She looks kinda bookish, right? Must be the glasses. A mural on Capitol Hill, Seattle.

Quite late, I know. But I say better late than never! Onward…

42. Ever After by Kim Harrison

#12 in a series, read round 3’s post as to why I’m not reviewing each book.

43. The Witch with No Name by Kim Harrison

44. Saga Vol.2

Saga is amazing. Wonderful. Fabulous. Moving. Go buy it.

45. Saga Vol. 3

See above.

46. Mastering the Art of French Eating by Ann Mah

This book takes you through different regions of France with stories and recipes to accompany. I listened to this on audio book and I really enjoyed it.

47. Waistcoats and Weaponry by Gail Carriger

The third book in the Finishing School series. Oh how i love Gail Carriger and everything she writes. I highly recommend any of her books.

48. Sudden Backtrack by Kim Harrison

A Hollows short following the series finale that gives the demon, Al, the last word.

49. Horned Hunter of the Night by Alexandra Chauran

This book is about a girl discovering a witchy side to herself. Overall, I really enjoyed the audio book version and the story really drew me in. I have two main things to mention:
1. I’m not much of a reader of erotica so some of the scenes and descriptions were a bit much for me- not bad! Just not the sort of thing I usually listen to and enjoy. I prefer a more subtle approach.2. I found it strange the abruptness in which Diana is accepted with her new group of friends (being vague-spoilers!) and the level at which she was accepted unbelievable, even in the realm of fantasy.Despite these two minor details, I was hooked pretty early on and I would not only like to read more about Diana but also more from the author.

50. A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton

This was my first read by Laurell K. Hamilton. It is about a princess who is hiding from her family among humans. It’s a decent read. It wants to be a sexy book, but it was mostly talking about sexy times instead of actual sexy times right up until the end of the book. I listened to this in audiobook format and did not like the narrator. So far I do not have a desire to read more in this series.

51. The French Women’s Diet by Susan Kieran-Lewis

I love reading anything to do with French lifestyle so this book was definitely for me. It’s your general French “diet” book but it well-written and has some fresh perspective. I recommend if you’re in to this type of book.

52. Saga Vol.4

I die.

53. Shutter Vol.1

What an excellent graphic novel! I plan on writing a longer post about this soon. Keep an eye out.

54. The Rogue Knight by Brandon Mull

Yay, my second favorite author! This is the second book in Mull’s new series, the Five Kingdoms. I listened to this one in audiobook format and absolutely loved it. Even though the target audience for this book is middle school, I love these stories so much. Remember when I went to meet him and was the oldest one there by like 15 years who wasn’t a parent?

55. Rat Queens Vol.1

Another wonderfully dreamy graphic novel. As with Shutter, I’m going to write a full post for this one soon.

56. Sweet Tooth Vol. 1

Sweet Tooth is the first graphic novel I was kind of disappointed with. I am glad I borrowed it from the library. It is about this mentally challenged (seemingly-is he?) boy with antlers. His dad has protected him his whole life but then one day his Dad dies. Eventually he ventures out of his cabin and goes on the run. Meh. I’ll probably borrow the rest from the library eventually but I am in no rush.

57. Skinwalker by Faith Hunter

 YAY YAY YAY I love this series! I wrote a whole post on it here. I listened to all 8 books currently out in less than two months.

58. Blood Cross by Faith Hunter

59. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies Graphic Novel

Another graphic novel I was disappointed in. This was very hard to follow visually and…textually? The artist made the girls look like bimbo porn stars with huge lips and weird eye makeup that does NOT fit the setting. I do not recommend this book.

60. Edgar Allan Poe Graphic Novel

This is a collection of select short stories and poems with each one drawn by a different person. It was pretty neat but mostly underwhelming.

61. Woman with Dark Horses by Aimee Parkison

I was so excited to finally read this. Aimee Parkison was one of my creative writing teachers at UNCC. I absolutely loved her and her class and for whatever reason I had this book forever before I finally read it. It is a collection of short stories. I love the way they read, the descriptions, and the stories up until the end. At the end of each story they just kind of…stop. I feel like these are really great stories but I don’t feel like I am literary enough to grasp the meanings of the endings. I feel like there is something great hiding here and maybe I will understand them someday. Not all of the stories were like this, but most of them.

62. Pretty Deadly Vol.1

I absolutely did not like this story. I was attracted to it because of the artwork, which really is beautifully done. It’s the story I have an issue with. It jumps back and forth a LOT and there is no indication when it does so, making it severely confusing. At the end of the story I didn’t even care because I didn’t understand it anyway.

I can’t believe I read 62 books in 2014! Way, way, way past my goal of 30 books. I am looking forward to doing individual reviews for 2015 rather than the larger quarterly reviews. Plus “quarterly” makes me think of work and I’d rather not.

Previous posts here: Q1, Q2, Q3.