Meet Me in Bombay by Jenny Ashcroft

This book was a little slow to start for me but once it did… hold my baby and clear the calendar. I was suddenly and violently sucked into this book and it was so nice because I’ve had a difficult time getting really into books since the new year (March now).
Most of the book takes place in Bombay in 1914 and 1915. I haven’t read a book set in India in a long, long time and I don’t think I’ve ever read one I’ve liked as much as this one. It has a great sense of place; I love a book with a vibrant setting and this one made me wonder what it would be like to visit.
The most wonderful part of this book is watching Madeline and Luke fall in love. We are given such wonderful details that you can’t help but fall right in love with them. I fell so in love that I had to frantic-read for much of the book because I HAD to know what happened. I am absolutely smitten with this book and look forward to checking out more from this author.
I was given a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.