When a Francophile Gets Pregnant…
I read Bringing Up Bébé and bookmarked the Babyzen Yoyo stroller long before I wanted a bébé of my own, just in case, so you can imagine that when it came time to make a registry and do a bit of shopping I tried to find French items to add to my lists. I also tried to find a bit of inspiration about making my pregnancy more French but that was more difficult. I also discovered that since many women don’t feel their best during this time, it’s mostly about daily survival mode rather than assembling your own French pregnancy kit.
Here are the French items I already had or added to my registry:
Babyzen Yoyo2
I went with the white frame and gray color pack. This will be perfect for travel and to keep in my car.
Sophie la Giraffe
I went with the original teether but there are so many more cute options that I’ll most likely be picking up a few more.
I have the Maternity Skincare Set (linked above) and a bathtime set that came with the gentle cleansing gel and hydra lotion.
L’Occitane Almond Supple Skin Oil
My doctor told me that there’s no evidence that all of the fancy lotions out there will prevent stretch marks, your diet and genetics will do that, but it still feels good to try. For most of pregnancy I used the Palmer’s Stretch Mark Cream and I have developed some pretty nasty stretch marks. I did buy L’Occitane’s almond oil, and even if it doesn’t do anything to prevent stretch marks it at least smells and feels amazing.
Paris Muslin Quilt
I hope she grows up familiar with all of these Paris landmarks so when we take her it will be even more exciting.
Uncle Goose French Blocks
I haven’t purchased these yet… I’m thinking they’ll be great for Christmas.
Striped Clothes (Primary)
I’ve shopped a ton from Primary due to their great sales. I love their basic styles and colors and the quality seems to be great. They also happen to have a great selection of striped baby clothing, like this dress, zip footie, long sleeve babysuit, and rash guard.
I’ve been trying to look for Petit Bateau items but their US site is down and has been for months.
Books pour Maman
Bringing Up Bébé
French Twist (one of my favorite parenting books)
French Kids Eat Everything
Bébé Gourmet
In the French Kitchen with Kids
Books pour Bébé
French Nursery Rhymes
Paris: A Book of Shapes
All Aboard Paris
The Cat in the Hat (French/English)
Babar the Elephant
Les Miserables
My original plan was to go bébé shopping in Paris in May. I had it all planned out; I had done so much research on stores, prices, and locations, all in a tidy little spreadsheet, and then all travel everywhere stopped thanks to covid. So then I thought I’d do some online shopping for French brands and I did find a few affordable ones that ship to the US but decided to just wait until I can visit again.
A few enjoyable Youtube resources are Unintentionally Frenchified and Patti (formerly Patricia B in France).
And as for names… I couldn’t get Joe to go for my super-French name picks. Our current top pick isn’t a traditionally French name but I have seen it come up several times in French movies and texts so I’m counting it as one. We’re waiting to meet her before we make a final decision.