Five Favorite Items from First and Second Trimesters

I can’t believe I’m already to the third trimester. The past seven months have absolutely flown by and I’m sure being in quarantine and distracted by COVID had a lot to do with it. Since I’m only planning to be pregnant once I haven’t wanted to invest a lot into maternity items, money- and quantity-wise. Maternity and baby items are a lot like planning a wedding: there are countless people and companies trying to tell you what you need and how much you have to spend. It’s easy to get caught up in decking yourself out for this new stage of life but just know that you don’t have to. Take a step back and think about what you feel like you really need.
As I try to take a minimalist-inspired approach to life going forward, these are the items I have been so thankful to have to make the first six months of pregnancy more comfortable.
1. Clothes
I’ve seen it mentioned that some people wear their same jeans and use a belly wrap or hair tie trick to extend the waist, but I am not one of those people who would have enjoyed that. My #1 must-have has definitely been pants. Right before lockdown I went to Target and got a pair of maternity jeans, jeggings, and leggings. For some reason the jeans and jeggings were running big so I got a size smaller than I usually do and now the jeans don’t fit (I can’t bend my legs in them but they’re fine as long as I’m standing.) The jeggings will be wearable for a little while longer. The leggings I’ve had a love/hate relationship with: they are comfortable but are made of cotton so are always adorned with large chunks of cat hair. They’re now my back up leggings.
I recently purchased these lounge pants and these leggings (after much research to find some that aren’t cotton). The lounge pants are terrible quality but the leggings are exactly what I have been looking for and I bought a second pair in black. I wish I had just purchased two-three pairs of those and one of jeans in my regular size and I would have been set.
I also picked up two maternity tops from Target. One of them developed a hole and I figured one of the cats got it, but when I bought a replacement and took it out of the dryer for the first time without having worn it, that one had a hole too. So Target maternity shirts suck. I’d recommend spending a little more on two higher quality shirts. Otherwise I’ve been wearing size medium mens/unisex shirts at home and that has accommodated the bump so far.
The one maternity dress purchase I’ve made is this one from Amazon. I completely love it and am glad to have a more form-fitting and flattering dress option.
2. Pregnancy Pillow
This item could easily be tied for the #1 spot. I spent 1-2 months sleeping terribly before finally buying a pregnancy pillow. I went with this one from Amazon and it took me from waking up 10-15 times a night to move around to relieve hip pain to only waking up for bathroom trips. I got the one with the detachable extension but after using it for several months I don’t really get the point of it; I recommend the solid body and would get that one if I could have a do-over.
Not only do I love this pillow, but the cats are in love with it as well (especially Jacques). We’ve worked out daytime custody for them and nighttime for me. Joe and I have both realized that even after bébé comes we will not be able to get rid of this pillow.
3. Nausea drops/tea/medication
I was extremely lucky to only have mild nausea up until my ninth week of pregnancy. I had a prescription from my doctor to what is essentially a combo of b12 and Unisom and I took that a few times, but mostly I kept the Pink Stork Ginger Mango Sweets close. When those didn’t cut it I also had some of their morning sickness tea.
4. 20oz Water Bottle
One of the main things your care provider will tell you is to keep drinking water. I’ve been told to get at least 64oz a day, so I know I need to fill my 20oz bottle three full times and then have a little extra. I love the hydroflask, Joe and I each have two of them in different sizes.
5. Unmentionables
Bras and underwear! I expected to need to buy larger bras but I hadn’t really heard about underwear, though it makes sense. I think it depends on what style you preferred pre-pregnancy because I have seen others mention that they didn’t need to make any changes. I went with these from Amazon and they have been perfect.
As for bras, my needs have changed as the months have gone by. At the very beginning I needed lots of support because they were so sore, and then as they grew I needed to accommodate the new size. I went with a few maternity bras from Target; one set is this one and I’ve been really happy with them.
Bonus: Books
I’d recommend reading samples/previews or trying to check books out from the library before purchasing them. I’ve read a few that have either turned out to be rubbish or something I won’t need to keep to reference. Here are a few I have enjoyed:
Expecting Better
Bringing Up Bébé
French Twist
The Happiest Baby on the Block I’ve seen this recommended a LOT. I’ve read about half of it. I had to return it to the library before I finished but I did buy a copy to continue reading.