Afar by Leila Del Duca and Kit Seaton
When I first heard about this book at an Emerald City Comicon of the past, I was already familiar with both creators. Leila Del Duca is best known as the artist for Shutter and Kit Seaton is known for an amazing web comic she does with her sister, The Black Bull of Norroway (which has since been published). She also had a short comic in the back of one of the issues of Shutter that I really loved (the only short comic in the back of an issue I have every loved, actually).
Afar is about Boetema and her brother, Inotu. They have just moved with their parents to a new town in the hopes of finding better jobs for their parents. Inotu ends up getting into some trouble while their parents are away on a job and Boetema and Inotu are forced to flee across the desert to a new city.
Boetema learns that she can astral project, so the book divides itself between exploring that and their quest to find a safe place to live. The story line felt very active but not confusing; very interesting and engaging. I really like that they did this in graphic novel format. It seems to be something that not a lot of creators turn to but I find it helpful when setting up a new complex world with a lot going on.
The art in this book is absolutely beautiful. I feel like Leila and Kit have similar art styles – not that you’d mistake one for the other but they draw really beautiful and dreamy things. There are so many really fun new animals, like Agama Wanwitu, who is a cross between an African wild dog and a lizard. As Boetema projects into different world we get to see some creatures very unique to those worlds as well.
Afar is currently available wherever books are sold.
5/5 Stars