Strike by Delilah S. Dawson
Strike is the follow-up to Hit, a book about an evil banking corporation taking over the US government. We saw Patsy leave her mom, her only family, to try to get rid of her medical debt. The whole book take the fact that debt, credit, and the medical industry is fucked up and slaps you in the face with it. In Strike, Patsy and Wyatt meet up with a “freedom” group who are fighting against the banks. Unfortunately they turn out to be just as bad, just for different reasons.
I love the way that Dawson writes. She gives you so much detail and information without feeling like you’re being given all this stuff you have to remember- she makes learning her worlds so much fun. Strike is definitely a YA novel, so is Servants of the Storm (another favorite of hers, my review here), and the Blud series is adult and one of my favorites EVER (first book here).
4/5 Stars