London Itinerary + Pictures

London Itinerary + Pictures

Joe and I just got back from a 15 day trip to London, Paris, Switzerland, and Italy. His mom leads Girl Scout tours and was able to get us an amazing deal we couldn’t (and didn’t want to) pass on. It was fast-paced, stressful, busy, and absolutely wonderful.
I’m going to share the itinerary for all the days in each place in one post along with pictures, then a separate post with extra pictures. I’m not including many details but please ask if you would like any more information.

Day 1

Tower of London
Dinner: Wagamamas
Day 2
Coach tour
Pictures at Parliament & Westminster
Stop at Buckingham Palace
Windsor Castle
Dinner: The Happenstance (fish & chips)
Day 3
Platform 9 3/4 @ Kings Cross Station
Sherlock Holmes Museum
Abbey Road
London Eye
Walked around Picadilly, Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, Parliament

It was so wonderful to be back in London again. The second day of the trip I started to get hives and they kept getting worse and worse until I went to Accident & Emergency at St. Thomas Hospital. We figure that I was bit by something that I was allergic to and the doctor there told me to take a super antihistamine along with my regular allergy medicine and cortisone cream. I ended up dealing with the hives through the rest of the trip and a day or two once we got back. The best part of the hospital trip: IT WAS FREE!!! Obama needs to learn a thing or two from our Mother Land. There were so many things I didn’t get to do because of how crummy I was feeling but that just leaves me more to look forward to next time, right?

Also see ParisSwitzerland, and Italy.